cover image: Centre for the Study of Living Standards - Addressing the Early


Centre for the Study of Living Standards - Addressing the Early

30 Apr 2024

restricts attention to the economic benefits of the increase in maternal labour supply To distinguish this arrangement from the care provided by a child care provider at the child’s that may be attributable to the expansion of child care spaces and provides a qualitative home (e.g. [...] Appendix A provides a comprehensive overview of the handful of studies in • Turnover: Higher monetary compensation may affect the decision of the existing ECEs the literature.19 In this section, the results obtained from the literature review are reported and to exit the occupation for opportunities in other lines of work or leave the labour used to provide estimates for the potential impacts of t. [...] 2.2 | Quantitative Estimates of the Increased Supply of ECEs Therefore, the estimated increase in the number of ECE Given the results found in the literature survey and the range of values provided for magnitude workforce would be around 64,427 educators arising of the elasticity of labour supply with respect to wages and turnover elasticity in the ECEC sector, we can provide a crude estimate on t. [...] In addition, to the extent that women do participate in the as it relates to the labour supply response of mothers to the availability of low-fee spaces in the labour force, they still tend to work fewer hours. [...] 35 To better illustrate the magnitude of relative changes in labour force participation in Quebec 25 and rest of Canada, we provide the size of the labour force and labour force participation rates of mothers 25 to 54 with children under the age of 5 in Quebec and the rest of Canada between 1998 to 2009 in Table 15.
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