cover image: Positions on Selected 2023 National and International Issues

Positions on Selected 2023 National and International Issues

1 Dec 2023

In the mandate letter of the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food12, there was specific guidance to work in collaboration with the provinces and territories to undertake a review of risk management programs, with a special focus on AgriStability in order to help producers manage environmental and business risks by providing faster and better adapted support, drawing from lessons from rece. [...] While the current program helps with the risk at the time of selling, there is currently no program to help protect the producer against the unknowns of the market at the time of purchase. [...] In a report from the Next Agriculture Policy Framework (NAPF), there is strong support from the agriculture industry to enhance public perceptions about the quality, safety, and sustainability of the agriculture sector.16 Even though the agriculture industry plays a critical role in our eco-system, there is no requirement to educate the public about the role the industry plays in our economy or gi. [...] A unified label, logo, image, and theme will show Canadian consumers the depth of the role of the agriculture industry in the food we consume and the products we use. [...] Financially support and incentivize AI adoption and implementation in business operations and processes to improve the efficiency and productivity of Canadian businesses as well as to the public service and federally regulated sectors to streamline services and operations.


Ian Faris

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