through our juried competition. SNAP directly supports ACT’s mission of reducing new HIV infections in Toronto and promoting the independence, dignity, health, and well-being of people living with HIV and those at risk of HIV. [...] Through HIV and sexual health “Thanks to the support of education, prevention and our donors, ACT continues outreach, we are working to be strong, resilient, and towards a city with zero new able to respond to the HIV infections, zero HIV-related unique and changing need stigma and discrimination, and those at risk for HIV. [...] With a strong core of community-minded philanthropists and art enthusiasts, the SNAP audience represents a cross-section of our community with a common passion for photographic art. [...] 2024 SNAP Sponsorship Opportunities SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Your support of SNAP allows ACT to deliver on its promise to promote health, build community, and end HIV. [...] Sponsorship Level Presenting Entertainment Photography Framing Experience Beverage Store Adopt-A-Lot $25,000 Competition Auction ($10,000 or ($5,000) (Varies) $20,000 $15,000 in-kind) Quantity SOLD 2 2 SOLD 3 3 2 Unlimited Complimentary Tickets 40 10 8 6 5 3 2 Speaking Opportunity • • Team Building Opportunity • • • • • • Advertisement In Program • • • • • Recognition on Social Media • • • • • • •.