As colonial-capitalist gathering was to foster connections, models continue to fall short in addressing deepen our understanding of the the dual biodiversity-climate crisis, current context of the work, and to transformative opportunities exist at co-create a shared vision for the the intersection of Indigenous resurgence emergent RAD Network. [...] The local community, Elders, and Fire The Restore, Assert and Defend (RAD) Keepers offered a very warm welcome to Network aims to support the work of their territory and fostered a gathering Indigenous Nations and communities rooted in place and enriched by ceremony, to restore relationships and Indigenous cultural teachings, and musical traditions. [...] The gathering was further governments and communities to enriched by Terry Young, Wolastoqiyik each other, and to financial resources, scholar and Knowledge Carrier from tools, and expertise to advance Kingsclear First Nation, who wove a Indigenous Protected and Conserved traditional ash basket to reflect the Areas (IPCAs) and regenerative spirit and intentions we collectively Indigenous-led econo. [...] Tools and Templates Analyze and compile funding resources/ LOOKING AHEAD: NETWORK mechanisms and case studies, and dismantle ACTIVITIES & OUTPUTS and reconstruct current tools within Indigenous worldviews and RAD Network values. [...] 3 Key themes and potential actions Con't: In addition to the ideas that came up in breakout discussions, a number of other initiatives have been flowing from the Visioning Gathering, such as the co-creation of an investment guide and database of Indigenous-led nature-based solutions, an initial RAD youth dialogue, and a youth resources and opportunities database, among other developments.