cover image: AGENTS OF CHANGE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP - The Cradle of Civilization is in Peril: - a closer look at the impact of Climate Change in Iraq


AGENTS OF CHANGE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP - The Cradle of Civilization is in Peril: - a closer look at the impact of Climate Change in Iraq

7 Feb 2024

This analysis will Displacement and individual experiences are explore number of dimensions to the impact key factors contributing to vulnerability to en- of climate change, and in particular, the issue vironmental change—including unique experi- The Cradle of Civilization in Peril: Page 2 A Closer Look at the Impact of Climate Change in Iraq ences by historically marginalized populations.9 Figure. [...] Yet the tributaries from Iran are the only source of water in the province, other than the dwindling rainfall in the region.”14 The Cradle of Civilization in Peril: Page 3 A Closer Look at the Impact of Climate Change in Iraq 33°0'0"N 34°0'0"N 35°0'0"N 33°0'0"N 34°0'0"N 35°0'0"N aitw Ku Drilling Down to Causes: The water remains an issue throughout the year.19 Case for Viewing Climate Impact Diyal. [...] localized control, ranging from political spheres of influence due to the distributed nature of In the MENA region, states, practitioners and some of the locations, illicit activities through the international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective of the “peace-fra- natural resources. [...] The combination of these challenges reinforces cycles of tension and threatens already-fragile Figure 3: WFP temperature and vegetation map of Iraq23 The Cradle of Civilization in Peril: Page 6 A Closer Look at the Impact of Climate Change in Iraq Recommendations and Areas of climate change, fragility, and peacebuilding. [...] These should be informed by and in align- ment with: (1) the Government of Iraq’s green paper detailing plans intended to assess and implement measures to mitigate the impact of climate change and support Iraq’s net-zero transition;25 (2) Support for the GoI in delivering the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), which is the plan to adapt to climate change and The Cradle of Civilization in Pe.
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