cover image: Lake Ontario Collaborative Group - Dr. Todd Howell - Great Lakes Ecologist


Lake Ontario Collaborative Group - Dr. Todd Howell - Great Lakes Ecologist

2 Feb 2023

Todd Howell Great Lakes Ecologist Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks The Dynamic Nature of Lake Ontario’s Nearshore and its Connection with Tributaries E. [...] Todd Howell Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch Lake Ontario Collaborative Group Symposium Virtual January 13, 2023 Outline Themes: the Dynamic Nearshore ▪ Basis in lake hydrodynamics ▪ Basis in watershed drivers ▪ Basis in lake ecology ▪ Basis in water resource and water quality management Physics of the Open Lake Forcing the Nearshore ▪ Circulation in the coastal boundary layer ▪ Episo. [...] Barth Note: Sixteen Mile Creek (Halton Ca) added in 2022 12 Tributary Discharge Credit Humber Don Highland Rouge LRouge Duffins Carruthers Wilmot Graham Ganaraska Cobourg Nearshore Specific Conductivity Seasonal Pattern in River Chloride and Lake Conductivity as Chloride Surrogate Winter salt loading to rivers in combination with increased accumulative river discharge volumes leads to striking nor. [...] Barth Chloride_mgL Credit Humber Don Highland Rouge LRouge Duffins Carruthers Wilmot Graham Ganaraska Cobourg Lakebed of the North Shore of Lake Ontario as a Water Quality Concern Ecology of nearshore changed radically with the invasion of dreissenid mussels in 1990. [...] One outcome was proliferation of algae on the nearshore lakebed Toronto East Sentinel Sites for LAorneag-st eorf mH aMrdo nSuitbosrtinragt e of NTuyipseasn cSeu iAtalgbale For (EC CCla adnodp hMoEraCP) Lawns of green algae: Cladophora overlain by clouds of metaphytic Spirogyra Substrate Based on 17 14 Rukavina (1969) Metaphytic Green Algae Spirogyra (mostly) May 6, 2022 • Delicate unattached free-.


Liza Ballantyne

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