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Valuing wetlands in southern Ontario's Credit River watershed

13 Sep 2010

This report details the 1st of a 2-phase research project focused on valuing wetland ecosystem services in the Credit River Watershed, in Ontario. Below, we provide a summary of the literature that has focused on: (i) identifying/quantifying wetland ecosystem services; (ii) assessing the impact that human activities/actions have on these services; and (iii) estimating the economic value provided by these services. We then determine the method that will be employed in Phase 2 of this research that will assess the value of ecosystem services provided by the wetlands in the watershed.
agriculture environment wetlands habitat conservation biodiversity water natural resources biogeochemistry biology chemicals earth sciences ecology environmental pollution rivers marshes ecosystem aquatic ecosystem ecosystem services wetland conservation biology ecological ecological services bog wetland conservation wetland management


Hotte, Ngaio

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