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Shaping our schools, shaping our future : Environmental education in Ontario schools

18 Jun 2007

Evidence • In Canadian and World Studies, Grades 9 and 10 of this gap exists at every level of the system: (2005) and Canadian and World Studies, Grades 11 • The reorganization of curriculum in the late and 12 (2005), the environment continues to be a 1990s significantly reduced the opportunities to fundamental concept underlying all courses; all study the subject of the environment as a result ge [...] Bondar, the Working munity leaders and education experts who advise the Group reviewed a broad range of programs and prac- Minister of Education on elementary and secondary tices in the field of environmental education in school curriculum, through academic research, compar- Ontario, Canada, and international jurisdictions. [...] Accordingly, the Working Group on Environmental Education has developed the following comprehensive definition of environmental education, and recommends that it be adopted as the definition used in Ontario schools: Environmental education is education about the environment, for the environment, and in the environment that promotes an understanding of, rich and active experience in, and an appreci [...] In reviewing the ments of Ontario’s elementary and secondary work of these jurisdictions, members of the school curriculum, there are few topics directly Working Group noted a number of successful prac- focused on environmental education, and content tices and approaches that may be adapted to posi- tends to be fragmented and inconsistent in the tively influence the development of environmental ab [...] In the interest of guiding the development of such a THE PROVINCE policy, the Working Group has identified three core Leadership from the provincial government, includ- components that are seen as essential to the success- ing the Ministry of Education and the Ministries of ful implementation of environmental education in the Environment, Energy, Natural Resources, and Ontario schools: Training, C
sustainable development environment education sustainability environmental protection school curriculum science and technology psychology culture ecology environmental education leadership philosophy university learning cognition conservation of natural resources human activities education system further education society educators teaching and learning education in ontario degree behavior modification change bondar roberta bondar outdoor education
9781424947188 1424947189 9781424947171
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