cover image: “Picking Up the Pieces”



“Picking Up the Pieces”

23 Oct 2014

Pioneered in the Edmonton Public Schools in the 1980s and now adopted by the World Bank in its international education initiatives, the essential concept of “school-based management” would seem to be more in accord with the aspirations of First Nations for a greater measure of self-government in education. [...] The source Securing the support and consent of First of the impasse, however, is the federal Nations will mean meeting First Nations government’s initial approach to “fixing” people halfway and including them fully the First Nations “education problem.” in the process of reform. [...] The rationale for the legislation that encourages them to stay in school was anchored in the findings and and graduate so that they have the recommendations of the 2011 report of skills they need to realize their aspirations the auditor general (Canada 2011b), with and participate in a strong Canadian 2.0 25 economy.” Creating a “system” supposedly would remove one of “the greatest barriers to imp [...] The backgrounder to the attempted to allay the public concerns bill declared that it would “recognize the expressed by the AFN and a host of First responsibility and ability of First Nations to Nations groups across Canada. [...] Since the 1986 The Status Quo/Indian Act appearance of Paquette’s influential policy Legacy) paper, “Aboriginal Self-Government and Education in Canada,” he has been in the The hand of the Indian Act is still present in forefront of those urging “Aboriginal self- First Nations communities, and is particularly government” in the education sector and evident in the realm of education.
accountability government higher education education politics school decentralization curriculum canada indians of north america culture community schools teachers university assessment devolution sustainable lifelong learning cognition community informal learning further education society teaching and learning native peoples assembly of first nations policy institute aboriginal people hanushek mi’kmaw


Anuik, Jonathan

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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