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Ontario's integrated power system plan : IPSP discussion paper

11 Sep 2006

Together, the papers will provide insights and building blocks for the IPSP, and the feedback they generate will be important guidance for the preparation of the plan. [...] While a forecast of long-term demand is inherently uncertain, the strength of having a forecast is the understanding it provides of the drivers of demand and the range of possibilities and uncertainties. [...] In addition to various analytical models used for forecasting, equally important elements of planning for the IPSP include the adaptive nature of the plan we develop and the ongoing opportunities for adjustments. [...] I strongly believe that developing a shared understanding of the planning challenges and the concrete steps needed to address them will focus the discussions, improve the dialogue, and ultimately result in a better plan for the benefit of all Ontarians. [...] The methodologies used in preparing this load forecast are discussed in some detail in the body of the discussion paper, along with the key assumptions, drivers and sensitivities we have taken into account.
environment energy efficiency economics economy electricity energy consumption electricity consumption science and technology natural resources econometrics economic growth energy conservation physics weather clean development mechanism economic sector air conditioning sensitivity analysis demand management macroeconomic energy and resource power resources efficient energy use weather forecast econometric electric energy consumption energy-saving technologies sensitivities
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