The opinions and recommendations in this report, The author would like to thank the following indi- and any errors, are those of the authors, and do not viduals: Erika Shaker for her unwavering patience necessarily reflect the views of the publishers or and guidance on this project, Jamie Kass for always funders of this report. [...] In the second section of the report, the findings of the policy Disability and Inclusion in Canadian Education: Policy, Procedure, and Practice 5 comparison along with a literature review and informant interviews form the basis for a number of recommendations to improve special education policy, implementation, and delivery: • Ensure that education policy is inclusive, in accodance with inter- nat [...] Instead, treatment and management should be vantage points of analysis, not stereotypes based on medical diagnoses.4 The right to education of children with disabilities is protected by sev- eral pieces of international legislation: the International Covenant on Eco- nomic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966),5 the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and the United Nations’ Declaration of [...] The Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines the importance of social integration and its impact on the development of children with dis- abilities.6 The preamble to the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of Disability and Inclusion in Canadian Education: Policy, Procedure, and Practice 7 Persons with Disabilities recognizes “that disability is an evolving concept and that disability [...] The Supreme Court of Canada made the distinction that what is effective classroom placement for one group of students with dis- abilities may not be effective for another group of students with disabilities.11 The Eaton case recognized that disability is individual and contextual, shifting the focus away from group needs and focusing instead on the specific context of an individual.12 In both the
- 9781771252102
- Pages
- 68
- Published in
- Ottawa, Ontario