cover image: An economic and fiscal comparison of Alberta and other North American energy producing provinces and states /



An economic and fiscal comparison of Alberta and other North American energy producing provinces and states /

11 Jul 2014

The presence of deficits while other energy-producing jurisdictions are in surplus coupled with the gen- eral strength of the Alberta economy as highlighted in the first section of this paper should give cause for concern about the general state of Alberta’s government finances. [...] In terms of the size of government, Alberta maintains the fourth high- est level of per capita spending but the third smallest government sector as a share of the economy. [...] To a certain extent some of the growth in GDP observed in Figure 3 is a function of the increases in the population experienced by each of the jurisdictions. [...] Canada weathered the recession better than the U. S. and much of the G-7 as a result of its strong resource and commodity sectors, the general strength of its financial sector institutions, and the resilience of the housing sector. [...] Government fiscal comparison The second set of analyses presented in this study compares the fiscal per- formance of the provincial and state governments of the various energy-pro- ducing jurisdictions by looking at government surpluses/deficits, the amount of government debt, and the size of government (i.e., government spending).17 Provincial and state fiscal indicators are not as readily compar
health economics economy alaska government spending natural resources canada debt economic growth earnings tax revenue labor taxes alberta gdp income taxes fiscal corporate tax provinces deficit spending fraser institute adobe acrobat debt-to-gdp ratio


Di Matteo, Livio, Emes, Joel, Clemens, Jason

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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