Cultural safety education has been endorsed by many organizations including the National Aboriginal Health Organization, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada, and the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada. [...] They also found the facilitated discussion of the case was effective in improving their understanding of the roles of the different health care providers in their small groups. [...] The evaluation focused on two primary components: 1. Training: The training is the main tool used to transmit the elements of a culturally safe care model and as such, the evaluation examined the effectiveness of the training itself. [...] The average age of the 10 female participants was 50 years, and the average age of the male participants was 65 years. [...] Despite this, responses to open-ended questions in the post-workshop survey, participants mentioned that the workshop reinforced previous learning and also that the workshop provided insight into the history of Wikwemikong and the Anishinaabek.