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Made in China 2025 as a Challenge in Global Trade Governance

15 Oct 2018

It will argue that several of the policy initiatives by the Ministry of Commerce criticisms of the policy are misguided and that (MOFCOM), the Ministry of Industry and foreign firms remain — at least for the foreseeable Information Technology (MIIT) and the National future — an integral part of China’s growth Development and Research Commission (NDRC) model. [...] Because China is not an ally to any of the most technologically sophisticated, surplus of migrant labour from the countryside developed countries in the world, the scale of dual-use restrictions is potentially significant, as Li and Yang (2013) have found to indeed be the case with respect to US export restrictions to China. [...] Technology transfer agreements income trap and moving up the hierarchy of global between Chinese and foreign firms typically take value chains — MIC 2025 and its spinoffs make a place through joint-venture arrangements between lot of sense for China, within the confines of the the former and the latter, and it is instructive that existing global trade order. [...] At the same authorities allow foreign investors access to the time, based on the reactions of foreign business Chinese market only if the foreign party agrees organizations following the announcement of to establish a locally incorporated company in MIC 2025, as well as longer-standing complaints partnership with a domestic firm, with the foreign on the part of foreign companies in China party hol [...] China’s lower level of triadic pattern of development, especially following the patents, relative to the United States and Japan, may release of the Medium- and Long-Term Science also tell us more about the dominance of American and Technology Development Plan.
economic development china education politics economics economy industrial policy science and technology canada balance of payments balance of trade business management competition copyright economic growth fdi intellectual property international relations investments trademark current account ipr patent, copyright and trademark mncs iprs china’s economy ustr joint-venture
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Waterloo, ON, CA

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