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Fort St. John : Investigating the relationship between women's employability and health in British Columbia, Fort St. John

2 Nov 2007

Expected outcomes, such as the provision of written reports and resources and the establishment of a website for networking among the communities, were aimed at supporting the research participants and Advisory Committee members in their action efforts. [...] Concerns over how little of the provincial revenue generated from the FSJ oil and gas sector is returned to the area have fuelled rumblings in the past of seceding from BC and joining Alberta. [...] Currently, 17,280 people or 54.1% of the entire Peace River region’s population live within city boundaries.2 For the purposes of the Women’s Employability and Health Project, the community of FSJ encompasses the city itself as well as the surrounding area whose residents rely on the services offered in FSJ. [...] The average cost of purchasing a home has nearly doubled in the past 5 years, from $100,000 in 2000 to $195,035 in 2005, and was predicted to rise to $220,000 by the end of 2006. [...] In addition, local service providers and women in the community as well as members of the media and City Council have been very supportive and interested in the project and its findings.
health education politics child care school alaska poverty domestic violence women discrimination childcare employees employment labour women's health welfare employability bc day care community affordable housing further education society focus group sexism living wage abuse british columbia daycare caregiver caregiving


Kaweesi, Connie

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