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Economic burden of injury in British Columbia /

14 Sep 2015

Economic Burden of Injury in British Columbia August 2015 Reducing the societal and economic burden of injury in BC Reducing the societal and economic burden of injury in BC The British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU) was established by the Ministry of Health and the Minister’s Injury Prevention Advisory Committee in August 1997. [...] Health Authority Total Direct Indirect Costs Costs Costs Costs of injury by cause Interior $736 $437 $299 The majority of the total costs of injuries in BC in 2010 were Fraser $1,225 $767 $457 due to falls at $1.2 billion or 33% of total costs, while the Vancouver Coastal $664 $423 $241 costs for transport incidents were $658 million or 18% of Island $676 $428 $248 total costs. [...] Falls made up $960 million or 42% of the direct costs of Transport incidents accounted for the greatest proportion injuries in BC in 2010, followed by other unintentional injuries of indirect costs at $288 million or 20% of indirect costs, at $578 million or 25%, and transport incidents at $370 followed by suicide and self-harm at $269 million or 19%, million or 16% of the direct costs. [...] This report uses an incidence broader social burden of injury in BC, with respect to the cost costing, human capital and a societal perspective approach of the treatment of injuries in the health care system, and to measure the economic burden of injuries in Canada.[4] the human costs of years of life lost and diminished labour This methodology has been used for many years to calculate market prod [...] Intentional and Unintentional Injury Table 3: Total, direct and indirect costs of injury by Unintentional injuries made up the majority of injuries in BC intent, BC, 2010 ($ millions) in 2010: 70% (n=1,416) of injury deaths, 86% (n=30,198) of injury hospitalizations, 96% (n=436,433) of emergency room Intent Total Direct Indirect Costs Costs Costs visits, 87% (n=6,915) of permanent partial disabili
health economics rehabilitation public health gross domestic product death disability human capital medicine risk suicide transport disease wounds and injuries prevention burns injury prevention goal injury emergency room emergency department burn disability-adjusted life year


Rajabali, Fahra, Ibrahimova, Aybaniz, Pike, Ian, Barnett, Bronwen

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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