These youth youth currently involved with child welfare; youth were significantly more likely to have experienced who were homeless with a history of involvement childhood maltreatment than youth who were with child welfare; and youth who were homeless homeless with no past history of child welfare with no history of involvement with child welfare. [...] In addition, due to the limited availability three groups: youth involved (at the time of the of publicly funded, substance abuse treatment study) with the child welfare system; youth who programs specifically for youth (Canadian Centre were homeless and with a history of involvement on Substance Abuse, 2007), many youth who are with the child welfare system; and youth who were abusing substances [...] Within the past seven days, 16.3% (n = 14) of youth who were In total, 25.2% of female youth (n = 32) and 6.0% of homeless with no history of CAS involvement and male youth (n = 5) reported that they had been 17.2% (n = 11) of youth who were homeless with a victims of partner violence in the past year (see history of CAS involvement had spent at least one Figure 3). [...] All three groups were equally likely to stay with their par- ents: 64.3% (n = 14) of youth who were homeless with no history of CAS involvement; 17.2% (n = 11) of youth who were homeless with a history of CAS involvement; and 19.7% (n = 14) of youth with cur- rent (at the time of the study) CAS involvement had stayed with parents for at least one night in the past seven days. [...] In addition, compared to youth currently with a history of CAS involvement were more likely involved with CAS, youth who were homeless with to report past year use of all the illicit drugs exam- a history of CAS involvement were more likely to ined, compared to youth currently (at the time of report using alcohol in the past month (2.25 times), the study).
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- 9781100190723
- Pages
- 58
- Published in
- Canada