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Augmenting print

10 Oct 2006

While a draft of the report was submitted to survey respondents and the executive of CALJ/ACRS, the interpretations and recommendations are those of the authors. [...] The key findings to note are: 1. Respondents to the survey see the primary role of journals as a quality assured venue for the publication of research as well as a means for the dissemination of that research to the academy and the public. [...] The purpose of the study is also to communicate the views of SSH journals among members of the journal community and to make recommendations to SSHRC that are based on the responses to the survey. [...] The subject matter normally found in a journal; the prestige of the editor and the journal; elapsed time between submission and publication; and circulation, determine the reputation of the journal and affect submissions, further circulation and citations. [...] Such considerations are relatively infrequent with the possible exception of UTP given that, quite properly, the focus of concern of the editor is the contents of the journal and the focus of the managing editor is to work within the parameters set by the journal and the market, SSHRC, the editor, and the contributors.
education economics school science and technology research media business copyright editing electronic publishing publishing social sciences economic sector publisher survey open access further education public sphere survey methodology newspaper and magazine social sciences and humanities research council scholarly electronic publishing scholarly periodicals


Lorimer, Rowland

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