EXAMPLE: “That the Government of Canada work cooperatively with the provinces and territories to establish a consistent air quality standard throughout Canada.” Does your resolution make the case concisely and factually? Consider whether someone who is not an expert on this issue could make a decision on the recommendations, based on the information included in the background. [...] Does the resolution include an estimate of how much implementation will cost? If there is an increase in expenditures, where should the money come from? Including information about the cost of the recommendations will increase the credibility of the resolution. [...] Recommendations (up to 2,500 characters) - The recommendation begins with “That the Government of Canada…” and is followed by specific actions that the government should take; e.g., “That the Government of Canada reduce the HST rate by two percentage points.” Footnotes (up to 6,000 characters) - The submission portal will automatically insert references as footnotes into your resolution upon downl. [...] • A phone call or email to the appropriate policy team member (listed at the start of this guide) at the Canadian Chamber can help determine which resolution(s) to submit or how to make a resolution stronger. [...] The invitation includes the guidelines for preparing a resolution, the deadline for submission to the Canadian Chamber and other key dates in the process.
- Pages
- 8
- Published in
- Canada