Suicide is just the tip of the iceberg in the continuum of suicide-related behaviours, including self-harm, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, which contribute to the burden of suicide. [...] Suicide deaths are just the tip of the iceberg, with health issues along the continuum of self-harm to suicide ideation to suicide attempt to suicide death. [...] It achieves this by presenting a description of what is understood to date about the problem of suicide in Toronto, including prevalence, groups most affected, mechanisms of injury and death, and risk and protective factors. [...] A comprehensive study of suicide includes the study of suicidal thoughts or ideation, suicidal attempts, and suicide deaths, all of which are included in the scope of this report. [...] Preliminary community consultations on suicide prevention identified the need for a range of actions to address suicide prevention in the city, and saw a role for TPH in community-wide suicide prevention.