cover image: A longitudinal perspective on women's labour force transitions



A longitudinal perspective on women's labour force transitions

10 Nov 2003

I attempt to decompose the effect on labour force transitions of marriage and divorce into the impact of the trigger event itself and the impact of the financial consequences of these events. [...] First, I compute other family member’s earnings by subtracting the person’s own earning from total earnings of the family, then the event is counted when other family earnings increases or decreases 7. In order to check the robustness of results, I extend the transition analysis by defining labour force transitions on the basis of changes in labour force state between years t-1 and t+1(or t+2) con [...] J pr (labour force withdrawal) = ∑ pr( labour force withdrawal via event j) j=1 Then, among those women with a chance of withdrawal from the labour force between one year and the next, the proportion that withdraw is given by the sum of the proportions of women who withdraw with each of the different events. [...] In the age group 19-30, the average participation rate of single women is 3% higher than the average participation rate of married women, and in the age group 41-50, the rate of the married is 3% higher than the rate of the single women. [...] For the age group 19 to 30, financial changes, either with or without an increase in the number of earners in the family, have a more significant impact on the labour force withdrawal of women than the experience of an event of recent marriage.
economics economy women research labour market childbirth employment labour labour economics marriage unemployment labor supply survey bias unemployed errors and residuals work and family dependent and independent variables variance null hypothesis statistically significant bias of an estimator likelihood-ratio test likelihood ratio test error term


Jeon, Sung-Hee

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