cover image: Health Research System Recovery: Strengthening Canada’s Health Research System after the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health Research System Recovery: Strengthening Canada’s Health Research System after the COVID-19 Pandemic

9 Apr 2024

The CIHR, NAPHRO and the Health Charities Coalition of Canada undertook discussions on the impacts, gaps, and opportunities in the Canadian health research landscape because of COVID-19 to identify areas for collective action among Canadian health research funders. [...] The journal Health Research Policy and Systems dedicated a theme issue (Health Research Policy and Systems, 2021) to the role of health research systems in the control and management of COVID-19, so that the experiences of countries and their lessons learned could be shared. [...] It is primarily the responsibility of government, but others may have responsibility including national health ÀiÃi>ÀVVÕVÃ>`«ÀviÃÃ>>ÃÃV>ÌðÌVÕ`iÃvÕÀV«iÌÃ\º`iwÌ>` >ÀÌVÕ>Ìv>ÛÃvÀ>>Ì>i>ÌÀiÃi>ÀVÃÞÃÌiÆ`iÌwV>Ìv>««À«À>Ìii>Ì research priorities and coordination of adherence to them; setting and monitoring of ethical standards for health research and research partnerships; and monitoring and evaluation of t. [...] Producing and using research to improve health and strengthen the public, social and health V>ÀiÃÞÃÌiÃ\º«À`ÕV}ÃViÌwV>ÞÛ>`ÀiÃi>ÀVÕÌ«ÕÌÃ]ÌÀ>Ã>Ì}>`VÕV>Ì} research to inform health policy, strategies, and practices, and public opinion, and promoting the use of research to develop new tools (drugs, vaccines, devices and other applications) to improve health (Pang, et al., 2003).” Health Research System. [...] Tkaronto is the traditional territory of many groups, including the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Chippewa/ Ojibwe of the Anishnaabe Nations; the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat.

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