cover image: The cycle of impossibility : Pathways into and out of family homelessness



The cycle of impossibility : Pathways into and out of family homelessness

15 Oct 2014

They identified the need for changes to the rental assistance program, expansion of the homeless prevention fund and having a one stop shop for families to obtain support and access to resources to prevent homelessness and help with moves out of homelessness. [...] The Cycle of Impossibility: pathways into and out of family homelessness 5 Reasons for family homelessness vary but most of the research points to three main factors: violence, poverty, and a lack of affordable housing.4 Because homelessness is a fluid experience5, any snapshot of the situation is an under estimate of the extent of the problem. [...] In this report, we provide a look at the conditions in society that contribute to family housing instability and homelessness through an analysis of the experiences, thoughts and reflections of families and service providers as well as data about the current situation that shapes income and housing security for families. [...] Following a description of the purpose of the study, we provide an overview of definitions of homelessness and family homelessness, research on family homelessness in Canada and the Capital Region. [...] This is followed by a description of the current situation of family homelessness from the perspectives of families and service providers as well as data on current conditions related to housing and income in the Capital Region.
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Albert, Marika, Pauly, Bernie, Cooper, Tanya, Cross, Geoff

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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