National Chief Phil Fontaine proposed to the Deputy Minister that the AFN, with the support of the Office for Residential School Resolution, strike a Task Force of nationally and internationally recognized experts to examine the current DR model in light of the findings of the March conference and develop appropriate, practical, reasonable, and fair recommendations that would lead to its wider acc [...] With the recommended changes to both the substance and process of the DR model and the addition of a truth sharing and reconciliation aspect, we believe that there will be a much higher degree of acceptance and satisfaction for survivors and greater certainty, less risk and a more fair, just, and defensible outcome for Canada than the current model currently provides. [...] This cap applies regardless of the severity of the effects of the abuse on the survivor or the frequency and duration of the physical abuse. [...] In category “A”, cases of “serious” physical and sexual abuse, compensation is calculated on a point system where points are awarded for the severity of the injuries and the severity of the consequences of the injuries.