cover image: Still Streamed



Still Streamed

18 Sep 2017

This structure promised the literature also indicates that the groupings to provide “a graduated streaming of courses in students are assigned to may not strongly reflect Grades 9 to 12 that will keep options open for students’ capacities or goals,6 there is good all students in the earlier grades and prepare reason to be concerned about this practice and its students in senior grades for their fu [...] To unpack the processes This research project was a community-based related to streaming this project documented initiative which strove to include youth and the lived experiences of parents and students community input in all stages of the research in selecting high school courses. [...] Feedback from that event was used to inform a The interviews varied in length from twenty more detailed analysis of the findings and the minutes to one and a half hours and were audio- development of report recommendations. [...] This of students take the majority of their courses at highlights the importance of considering the the academic level. [...] Communication and engagement strategies must The high number of students taking applied respond to and be reflective of the communities courses appears to be leading some students to being served.
higher education education school poverty curriculum research academic achievement students teachers university teacher cognition motivation college education system secondary streaming further education teaching and learning marginalization school counselor guidance counsellor allen road ability grouping ontario highway 427
Published in
Toronto, ON, CA

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