The need to clarify and communicate CHIN’s role and mandate have become even more critical since the transfer of the VMC program to the CMH in September 2014 and the reduction of CHIN’s resources as a result. [...] There are opportunities to improve the design and delivery of the professional development component after the transfer of the VMC program to improve effectiveness of the program and to use limited resources more efficiently. [...] The performance measurement system will need to be revised to reflect the changes to activities, outputs and outcomes in light of the transfer of the VMC to the Canadian Museum of History and will need to include indicators to measure program efficiency and economy and to track long-term results of professional development programming. [...] Recommendation #1 In light of the transfer of the VMC and reduced program resources, and given the evolving technical environment and increasing pressures to adapt to a variety of digital technologies, the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Citizenship and Heritage sector should consult with stakeholders, such as CHIN network members, in order to prioritize the needs of the museum community in the d [...] The activities and outputs of CHIN contributed to the achievement of the following immediate, intermediate and PCH strategic outcomes: Immediate outcomes • Canadian and international heritage institutions and workers use learning and collaborative opportunities provided by CHIN to improve their knowledge, skills and practices in the creation, presentation, management and preservation of online and
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- 9781256559 9781100256566
- Pages
- 78
- Published in
- Ottawa, Ontario