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Ontario's integrated power system plan : IPSP discussion paper

13 Nov 2006

Together, the papers will provide our current assessment of the building blocks for the IPSP, and the feedback they generate will be important guidance for their further development and the eventual preparation of the plan. [...] This paper is the fourth in a series of discussion papers issued by the OPA to provide background information and encourage stakeholders to contribute in the development of the Integrated Power System Plan (IPSP), our action plan to assure the province’s reliable and sustainable electricity future to 2027. [...] These are the resources assumed to be available for the purpose of developing the IPSP, subject to the possibility that some of the projects underway may not be completed. [...] For these projects, OPA is required to provide a “sound rationale” and “an analysis of the impact of the electricity project on the environment, and an analysis of the impact on the environment of a reasonable range of alternatives to the project.” Under Ontario Regulation 116/01 and as summarized in Table 1.1, the supply projects that meet these criteria are waterpower projects that are equal to [...] The consultation process for the supply resources discussion paper will involve a workshop for exchanging information, followed by a web conference, and ending with the submission of the IPSP to the OEB in March, 2007.
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