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Homework realities

7 Feb 2008

Growing societal concern with Homework since the educational reform efforts in the 90’s reached a new height in the summer of 2006 with the publication of books by Cohen and by Bennett and Kalish presenting a US perspective. [...] The purpose of the study initiated in October of 2006 by Linda Cameron and Lee Bartel, Associate Professors at OISE, University of Toronto, was to obtain a Canadian perspective on the issue of homework. [...] The study entitled, Homework Realities: A Canadian Study of Parental Opinions and Attitudes, was designed to get a sense of what parents’ perspectives were on the amount of homework children received at all levels, how this homework was affecting the children and the home, what factors were affecting this reality, and related data. [...] With these results, primary analysis will focus on Ontario and the rest of Canada will be used in the manner of a “non-response” validation sample to determine whether the opinions and attitudes in Ontario may be relevant outside of the province. [...] Therefore, the approach to presenting the findings is to present Ontario data as the core of the findings, and then to look at the data from the rest of Canada as a small sample to determine to what extent the situation in Ontario represents the rest of Canada.
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Cameron, Linda

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