cover image: Business Continuity and Recovery Planning Guide - The Canadian Chamber of Commerce used, and adapted, this guide to


Business Continuity and Recovery Planning Guide - The Canadian Chamber of Commerce used, and adapted, this guide to

30 Nov 2023

DATE LOCATION TOPIC 3 Step 3: Potential Hazards This information should be included in your Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, however reiterating key potential hazards in your Business Continuity and Recovery Plan will help you focus on the types of incidents from which you may need to recover. [...] shelter, day care, spiritual guidance, food, etc.)? In the event of a disaster, will people be congregating at your location needing assistance? PROCEDURES TO RESTART OPERATION AFTER MINIMAL DISASTER IMPACT: If a disaster causes negligible or marginal impact on operations, these procedures will help to restart the operation in the same location. [...] ORGANIZATION NAME: STREET ADDRESS CONTACT NAME CITY, PROV/TERR, POSTAL CODE CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER CONTACT EMAIL EMERGENCY TELEPHONE WEBSITE DOES THIS ORGANIZATION HAVE A CONTINUITY PLAN? MATERIAL/SERVICE PROVIDED If this organization experiences a disaster, we will obtain materials/services from the following: 11 ORGANIZATION NAME: STREET ADDRESS CONTACT NAME CITY, P. [...] • Record the name of the company from which you purchased or leased this equipment and the contact name to notify for your computer repairs. [...] NOTIFICATION KEY ORGANIZATION CONTACTS WILL BE STAFF MEMBER RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFIED BY: NOTIFICATION □ WEBSITE □ AUTOMATIC NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TELEPHONE NUMBER □ EMAIL BLAST □ SIGNAGE EMAIL □ OTHER: ORGANIZATION NAME: STREET ADDRESS CONTACT NAME CITY, PROV/TERR, POSTAL CODE CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER CONTACT EMAIL EMERGENCY WEBSITE RELATIONSHIP TO OUR ORGANIZATION TELEPH.


Michelle Croteau

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