cover image: THE - SUB LIFE 2024



9 Mar 2024

the government from similar misguided the civic virtues of respect for diversity potentially providing the Association Although the policy announcement policies and encourage it to support the and human rights that are the and other allies an opportunity to sets out the government’s agenda, principles of respect for diversity and foundation of public education. [...] “This of course puts added pressures on our schools, and our government is ready to help.” The minister said the government is providing $842 million in new funding to help school boards hire more JONATHAN TEGHTMEYERATA president Jason Schilling addresses the media following the tabling of the provincial budget at the Alberta legislature than 3,000 teachers and educational staff over the next on F. [...] Though the partnership between Last year, the AMA reached out the AMA and the ATA is new, it’s to the ATA about the possibility of a natural fit, as the AMA has been entering an exclusive arrangement working with teachers extensively to provide travel services to teachers. [...] Approved 141 resolutions arising nominee to the board of the Alberta the Association’s definition of school elevate public awareness of education from the six-year review of policy Teachers’ Retirement Fund be drawn leader is broader than that of principal, and the need for substantial public for presentation to the 2024 Annual from the executive staff cohort with associate principal or vice-princ. [...] possible) of the people in the photo; the are selected to serve on Association committees date when the photo was taken; and the as well as to represent the Association on boards photographer’s name, school and contact and committees of other organizations and The deadline for i nformation.
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