cover image: Fertility Preservation for Trans People Who Produce Sperm FOR FINAL REVIEW


Fertility Preservation for Trans People Who Produce Sperm FOR FINAL REVIEW

4 Apr 2024

This chart shows a few of the decisions you will need to make: Have you started yes no taking hormones? Talk to your care provider Make plans to bank sperm about banking sperm while on hormones, or temporarily stopping hormones Are you ready for the yes no sperm to make an embryo? Continue storing sperm Do you have a partner yes who is using their own no eggs to conceive? You and your partner or F. [...] When you are ready to move forward If you have stored your sperm in a fertility clinic, you can access it through that same clinic, or you may want to transfer your straws to another clinic. [...] IVF to work with many eggs - up to requires retrieving eggs from your partner, co- 20 or more depending on the parent, or an egg donor, fertilizing the eggs fertility of the person producing with your sperm or donor sperm, and then the eggs - thereby increasing implanting the embryo in the uterus of the chance of success. [...] There is the possibility that you may not have a successful pregnancy at a later time, or you may not find a time in your life when you want to become a parent. [...] A catheter is gently inserted through the cervix into the uterus of the person who will carry the pregnancy, and the sperm is placed in the uterus to help it get closer to the egg.



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