cover image: ATA BUDGET - proposes modest fee increase . - NDP hopefuls denounce UCP


ATA BUDGET - proposes modest fee increase . - NDP hopefuls denounce UCP

7 May 2024

The final members questioned the need for the the already budgeted Diversity Equity version of the proposed budget almost position and its cost on the basis of Question: Networks, making the need for the I’m an ARA delegate and always differs from the February draft their understanding of what an event additional staff officer even more acute. [...] At ARA, the work of delegates will be not only to consider the broad financial implications of the proposal, but also to examine the merit of the proposed programs and consider their value to members, to education and to the Association. [...] Aligned to the Association’s ongoing commitment to the Based on feedback from locals, a number of adjustments Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to were made to the budget draft and these have been Action, included in the current budget draft are proposals to incorporated into the proposal to be discussed over the hold an Indigenous symposium and to pilot an Indigenous May long. [...] While The program would be set up parallel to the Teacher Mentorship program most of the costs of the conference will be borne by the CTF/FCE, in that it would be in the form of a matching grant program with locals. [...] The table below compares expenditures and allocations for the 2023/24 approved budget and the 2024/25 proposed budget and provides a brief description of the nature of the expenditures.
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