cover image: Neighbours of a Nuclear Plant - An Information Session for Durham Residents


Neighbours of a Nuclear Plant - An Information Session for Durham Residents

24 Apr 2024

APPROVALS EXTRACTION: Transferring the radioactive wastes into the transportation containers at the reactor station TRANSPORTATION: Transferring the radioactive wastes from the reactor stations to centralized location PROCESSING: Transferring the wastes from the transportation container to the used fuel container in the ‘used fuel packaging plant” EMPLACEMENT: Transferring the wastes into the unde. [...] S.: • In 2017, one of the first shipments of high-level liquid radioactive waste from Chalk River in Canada to Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina was found to be “hot” upon arrival at SRS, meaning that it was above allowable radiation limits due to a failure in the packaging. [...] A Class 7 emergency is one in which there is a “level of ionizing radiation greater than the level established in section 39 of the "Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015". [...] As a result, another hearing will begin in as early as the fall of 2024 on the OPG request to construct new nuclear plants but an exact date awaits the EA decision. [...] Get familiar with emergency preparedness resources (Durham Nuclear Emergency Response Plan / Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan) Visit to order KI pills Be sure to submit comments in writing to Ontario Power Generation, the Ontario Ministry of Energy, and the regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, about major nuclear decisions taking place in Durham Region, a.


April Weppler (CELA)

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