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Commentary | October 2023 - Satisfaction with AFNOO's Services, Partnerships and Collaboration:

25 Apr 2024

The Client Satisfaction Survey asked questions pertaining The aim of the report is to summarize the findings from to the settlement experience of newcomers to Northern each of the three surveys and the Client Intake Forms Ontario, their experience looking for or finding work in and provide recommendations to help guide AFNOO in the region, and their interactions with AFNOO’s programs fulfilling it. [...] 10 Commentary Satisfaction with AFNOO's Services, Partnerships, and Collaboration: 2022 Survey Findings | October 2023 The Client Satisfaction Survey found that a relatively small number of clients (29 per cent) had heard of the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP), and the same percentage of clients (29 per cent) indicated they would consider applying for permanent residency under the RNIP. [...] Over half of clients (57 per cent) indicated they received information on how to receive support for basic needs and services, and how to access critical services, such as medical, mental health, dental, and legal services.1 A large number of clients (43 per cent) obtained information on how to find activities and events in the community, how to get language training, and how to find housing. [...] In terms of accessing services, clients found that information and assistance with important documents to be the easiest information to access (57 per cent), followed by information and orientation sessions (43 per cent), referrals to Francophone organizations in the region (43 per cent), community engagement (43 per cent) and participation in social, cultural, and sporting activities (43 per cent. [...] Fourteen per cent of clients felt the services that were “very difficult” or “difficult” to access were development of language skills, referrals to Francophone organizations in the region, community engagement and participation in social, cultural, and sporting activities, access to health support services, information and assistance with daily life, and education.
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