cover image: Omni 2403 CCPA tables.spo


Omni 2403 CCPA tables.spo

21 Mar 2024

Do you agree or disagree with the statement "Gig workers in Manitoba should be covered by the same employment rules as regular workers - including minimum wage rules and the ability to unionize"? PROVINCIAL REGION GENDER VOTED LAST PROV ELECTION TOTAL Winnipeg Rural Male Female NDP PC LIB Indigenous BIPOC LGBTQIA2S+ Disability BASE Unweighted (1000) (600) (400) (531) (459) (426) (311) (84) (115) (. [...] - March 2024 Probe Omnibus Survey Page 1 SECTION CCPA 1. [...] Do you agree or disagree with the statement "Gig workers in Manitoba should be covered by the same employment rules as regular workers - including minimum wage rules and the ability to unionize"? AGE MALES FEMALES MARITAL STATUS TOTAL 18 - 34 35 - 54 55 + 18 - 34 35 - 54 55 + 18 - 34 35 - 54 55 + Married S/D/W Single BASE Unweighted (1000) (171) (406) (423) (87) (216) (228) (77) (187) (195) (653). [...] - March 2024 Probe Omnibus Survey Page 2 SECTION CCPA 1. [...] Do you agree or disagree with the statement "Gig workers in Manitoba should be covered by the same employment rules as regular workers - including minimum wage rules and the ability to unionize"? CHILDREN <16 AT EDUCATION HOME RESIDENCE EMPLOYED FULL TIME HOUSEHOLD INCOME TOTAL HS or less Post-Sec Univ Grad Yes No Own Rent Yes No Retired < $50K $50K-$99K $100K + BASE Unweighted (1000) (156) (378).



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