cover image: An overview of PFAS Reporting, Testing and Regulations in the EU Prepared for the NGO members of the NPRI WG, PFAS Subgroup Date: January 19, 2024


An overview of PFAS Reporting, Testing and Regulations in the EU Prepared for the NGO members of the NPRI WG, PFAS Subgroup Date: January 19, 2024

22 Jan 2024

An overview of PFAS Reporting, Testing and Regulations in the EU Prepared for the NGO members of the NPRI WG, PFAS Subgroup Date: January 19, 2024 The memo aims to provide an overview of the reporting mechanism on PFAS in the European Union (EU), plus PFAS testing and the extent of contamination. [...] PFAS chemicals are covered by organohalogen compounds under Annex II.3 The integration between E-PRTR and IED reporting is manifested in the EU Registry on Industrial Sites,4, 5 where E-PRTR data is reported alongside information pertaining to the IED and Large Combustion Plants (LCP).6 The EU Registry on Industrial Sites enhances the accessibility and interoperability of spatial and geographical. [...] Data can be browsed on the European Industrial Emissions Portal on the industrial site map.10 Full datasets and guidance documents are also available on the Portal.11 This comprises the website's data repository, encompassing all the information featured on the site, along with a compilation of additional pertinent databases that prove valuable for the analysis and study of industry domains. [...] The complete list of pollutants for reporting, their description, characteristics and reporting thresholds is available on the portal website.13 The information contained in the portal is reported annually and required under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)14 via the EU Registry on Industrial Sites (EU Registry)15 and E-PRTR. [...] If the Council and the European Parliament agree the proposal, Member States will be required to take measures to reduce the emissions of all these pollutants where necessary to meet the quality standards.


Olga Speranskaya

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