cover image: Mercury –A Global Pollutant!


Mercury –A Global Pollutant!

22 Apr 2024

Mercury Rising ! Mercury –A Global Pollutant! Facilities reporting to NPRI – 2019 releases, disposals, transfers 2 Releases of Mercury to Air - 2019 3 Releases of Mercury to Water - 2019 4 Disposals of Mercury - 2019 5 Transfers of Mercury - 2019 Note: The majority of this mercury (80,348 kg)was transferred off-site for treatment prior to final disposal and belongs to the waste treatment and dispo. [...] (Note: the European Union consumes 44-67 tonnes per year) Mercury in products and processes Canada supports working on developing guidance on controlling releases and phasing out the use of mercury in processes and products. [...] Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) All parties need to adopt the existing guidance document of the Convention with the understanding that some sections need to be further developed and improved. [...] COP3 agreed to “exempt overburden and waste rock from mining other than primary mercury mining (from Article 11), and that thresholds should be developed for waste contaminated with mercury or mercury compounds and tailings from metal mines.” No agreement has been reached on a threshold. [...] 12 Slide 1 Slide 2: Facilities reporting to NPRI – 2019 releases, disposals, transfers Slide 3: Releases of Mercury to Air - 2019 Slide 4: Releases of Mercury to Water - 2019 Slide 5 Slide 6: Transfers of Mercury - 2019 Slide 7 Slide 8: Comparison of Releases, Disposal, and Transfer Levels of Mercury reported to the NPRI: 2010-2019 Slide 9: Deforestation Slide 10: Grassy Narrows - and Mercury Slid.


Anna Tilman

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