Unity Health Quality Improvement Work Plan 2024-2025


Unity Health Quality Improvement Work Plan 2024-2025

26 Mar 2024

Methods Process measures Target for process measure Comments The Director of Care to meet with the Number of VOYCE licenses sought for 4 Voyce licenses obtained for the Houses hospital to determine feasibility of the Houses of Providence. [...] Methods Process measures Target for process measure Comments a) Provide education on reporting HAPIs a) Develop and implement required a)Education on staging and reporting of through Safety First and the verification education on staging and reporting of HAPIs completed by March 30, 2024. [...] b) Optimize Safety First fields to Optimizations to Safety First fields to standard approach for the measurement facilitate the collection of reliable facilitate the collection of reliable data of HAPIs across Unity. [...] Methods Process measures Target for process measure Comments a) Develop a standard report template to a) Development of standard report to a) Standard report template to share share unit/program specific learnings share unit/program specific learnings unit/program specific learnings and and action items from review of all never and action items from review of all never action items from review of. [...] Methods Process measures Target for process measure Comments Director of Care/designate to conduct a) % of Full Time/Part Time Registered a) 80% of Full Time/Part Time Registered focus groups with registered staff to staff attending the focus groups staff attended a focus group by October obtain input on a process for provided by the Director of Care.


Unity Health Toronto

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