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Empowering Women in Venture Capital

22 Apr 2024

the state of women’s representation in the VC The findings reveal several knowledge gaps ecosystem in Canada; identify the individual, on the subject, including limited academic organizational (or industry-wide) and societal studies, lack of research on diversity and barriers to improving women’s representation inclusion initiatives, and insufficient research in this VC ecosystem; and identify som. [...] and societal levels that will The next section of this report provides an promote the representation of overview of the VC landscape with a focus on women in the VC ecosystem the representation of women in the industry in Canada and the barriers and drivers mentioned in the literature, followed by an analysis of 11 in-depth interviews conducted with representatives from Canada. [...] The surveyed participants mentioned that the company uses metrics spoke positively about the support and to monitor the EDI status, and explained they mentorship they received from their “track and report on the diversity of all of the managers and colleagues. [...] in starting a career in VC industry through a student program, apprenticeship program or a research and education program.96 To 19 Institutional investors From the organizational (meso) level, the discussions with the participants revealed the need for training and knowledge mobilization initiatives to increase the representation of women and other equity- deserving groups in the VC industry. [...] To enhance women’s representation in In conclusion, the study highlights the the industry, stakeholders must adopt a urgency of addressing the significant comprehensive approach that includes barriers faced by women in the VC addressing systemic barriers, fostering industry and advancing gender equity a culture of diversity and inclusivity, and inclusivity.


Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub

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