cover image: 2023 CHRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Virtual Meeting 1:00 pm ET, June 1, 2023


2023 CHRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Virtual Meeting 1:00 pm ET, June 1, 2023

22 Apr 2024

Call to Order Timothy Crooks, President of the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) and Chair of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) welcomed the delegates, noting that this is hi last act as CHRA President before becoming Past President. [...] Joint Report of the President and Executive Director Tim Crooks and Ray Sullivan, Executive Director, CHRA, shared that the joint report of the President and Executive Director was outlined in the Annual Report and AGM package. [...] Justin Marchand, Chair of the Indigenous Caucus, commented on the Caucus’ advocacy efforts over 2021, and the importance of a for-Indigenous, by-Indigenous housing strategy. [...] Consideration of Resolutions and By-Law Changes Board Secretary Susan McGee present a resolution, submitted by the Board in advance: Resolution: Indigenous Housing Justice Whereas the Indigenous Housing Caucus was established in 2013 at the annual CHRA Congress on Housing and Homelessness in recognition of the large number of Indigenous-led and Indigenous-serving organizations who are members and. [...] Margaret also thanked CHRA Staff: • Leah Blunden, Manager of Communications • Kim Brown, Director of the Indigenous Caucus • Mary Clarke, Manager of CIH Canada • Jacob Gorenkoff, Director of Policy and Government Relations • Jane Jiang, Manager of Finance • Chloe Martin, Membership & Program Coordinator • Julie McNamara, Director of Programs, Partnerships & Events • Ray Sullivan, Executive Directo.


Steve Sutherland

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