cover image: SUDANS WORKING GROUP - PART 4 - How to support Sudanese civilian efforts to form an


SUDANS WORKING GROUP - PART 4 - How to support Sudanese civilian efforts to form an

20 May 2024

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), which appointed the civilian members of the 2019-21 transitional government, led the creation of “Taqadum” to represent civilian interests. [...] The challenge now is to move from engagement as individuals to engagement as organizations/parties, to agree on the above issues of inclusion, and to agree a common position on key issues such as civilian role in ceasefire monitoring, accountability and future role of the security sector in governance and the economy. [...] WHAT CAN BE DONE TO HELP INCLUDE CIVILIANS IN PEACE NEGOTIATIONS? Beyond helping Sudanese forge an inclusive and cohesive civilian negotiating bloc, the major hurdles to its inclusion in formal negotiations lie in three areas: 1) the armed belligerents, one of which – the SAF – has rejected any role for civilians that are not supporting it; 2) the regional backers of the belligerents who remain sk. [...] HOW CIVILIANS CAN HELP ADVANCE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS AND WHAT CAN BE DONE TO HELP THEM DO SO? Negotiations in Jeddah and other fora have, to date, focused on securing a cessation of hostilities to allow for provision of humanitarian assistance and to give space for political negotiations on the future governance of Sudan. [...] • Encourage civilians to resolve key differences, particularly issues of inclusion of the National Congress Party/radical Islamists in the civilian side of negotiations and the role of armed actors in any transitional government.
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