cover image: REQUEST FOR STANDING OFFERS (RFSO) - File #C-242500320 Post-Market Drug


REQUEST FOR STANDING OFFERS (RFSO) - File #C-242500320 Post-Market Drug

18 Apr 2024

The program has been deliberately designed to maximize access to a wide range of applied researchers, data analysts and methodologists from across Canada and to ensure stability while balancing the need to pivot and be as responsive as possible to the needs of decision-makers. [...] To meet the needs of the future, the PMDE program needs access to individuals and teams who can: design, implement, and report on observational drug safety and effectiveness studies, as products move from clinical trial to more widespread use; stay abreast of and support effective use of novel methods and approaches that allow us to more accurately monitor and report on drug outcomes; and of cours. [...] The signatory of the applicant must have the authority to commit the applicant’s organization to the details contained in the proposal. [...] b) The nature and scope of the work being proposed, including description of the experience of the individual(s) and direct experience working to respond to decision-makers needs and timeliness; aims and objectives of the proposed work. [...] File: C-242500320 RFSO PMDE Standing Offer FINAL Page 9 of 16 CADTH Confidential – Distribution limited to Contracts and PMDE Directorate Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health – Request for Standing Offers 2.8 Enquiries To ensure the integrity of the competitive bidding process, enquiries and other communications regarding the RFSO process up to the closing date, are to be directed ON.


Patrick Carroccetto

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