Through the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (NFWA), the Government of Canada assigned responsibility for the safe, long-term management of all Canada’s used nuclear fuel to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO). [...] 2 Nuclear Waste Management Organization ~3.3 million If stacked like cordwood, Canada’s existing inventory of about 3.3 million used nuclear fuel bundles could fit into about nine hockey rinks from the surface of the ice to the top of the boards. [...] At the end of the planned operation of Canada’s existing nuclear reactors, including planned refurbishments, the number of used CANDU nuclear fuel bundles could total up to about 5.6 million. [...] As of the end of 2023, the NWMO is aware of three SMR projects in the licensing process. [...] The end point of the technical method is the centralized containment and isolation of Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a deep geological repository in an area with suitable geology and informed and willing hosts.