cover image: Provincial Response Road Map: Recommendations in Preparation For Future Humanitarian Responses


Provincial Response Road Map: Recommendations in Preparation For Future Humanitarian Responses

26 Mar 2024

August 2021 marked the end of the war in Afghanistan and the beginning of the Taliban’s takeover of the country. [...] 5 INTRODUCTION As one of its actions to respond to the needs of Syrian refugees arriving in BC during OSR, the Province of BC established the temporary Refugee Readiness Fund that enhanced provincial refugee services and created Refugee Readiness Teams (RRTs) across the province to support the coordination of and communication between services. [...] Provincially, with IRCC funding, AMSSA brought together the Provincial Ukrainian Migration Response Committee with the objective of developing a coordinated response to support the arrival and settlement of Ukrainians to BC and facilitate provincial information dissemination and sharing amongst service providers, the Province of BC, and IRCC. [...] It is recommended that an enduring collaborative provincial body be established with the purpose of addressing infrastructure needs to improve the effectiveness of future responses and to act as the central provincial body in the event of another humanitarian response. [...] The role of these regional and local bodies would be to identify and communicate priority needs that can be best addressed at the provincial level to the enduring provincial body, engage in building and sustaining partnerships which can be ramped up or drawn upon in the event of a large humanitarian response, identify and address regional and local settlement infrastructure challenges, and create.



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