cover image: Recapturing Canada’s Economic Strength and Place in the World


Recapturing Canada’s Economic Strength and Place in the World

29 Apr 2024

The expertise and technologies we develop here can be One of the most exciting opportunities for growth in the oil and natural gas sector exported to help other industries and countries to lower emissions while creating — and the whole of the Canadian economy — is the emerging liquefied natural gas jobs for Canadians here at home. [...] Rather than being called a laggard, Canada’s oil and natural gas The first misconception is that the oil and natural gas industry is dragging their industry should be recognized for its leadership and potential to heels on investing in decarbonization projects and getting in the way of the help the world lower its emissions.” energy transition. [...] CA Economic Club of Canada | 4 Many are recognizing traditional energy sources will be required for the decades The reality is Canadians benefit from a strong and successful oil and natural gas ahead and the only true debate is around the pace of demand growth for oil and industry. [...] To demonstrate this point, a Business Council of Canada report indicates that a 10 The third misconception emerging in Canada that I want to challenge is the idea per cent decline in oil and gas productivity would translate into a loss of roughly that when the highly cyclical oil and gas business is profitable – and is able to $35 billion per year, or nearly $900 per person per year on a national. [...] The industry is a partner in indigenous reconciliation and is a solution average wage within the conventional oil and natural gas sector pays about waiting to happen for the economic and geopolitical headwinds facing the country $47 per hour more than the national average — which means higher standards today.


Morgan Nagel

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