cover image: INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION U.S. Section Office 1717 H Street NW, Suite 835


INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION U.S. Section Office 1717 H Street NW, Suite 835

12 Apr 2024

Commissioners expressed support for adding Indigenous community members to the board in the near-term and were willing to hold off on the further board expansion efforts if it would help the Board better manage the other priority initiatives. [...] Staff is to discuss with the board the compromise of delaying board expansion (beyond perhaps the near-term addition of Indigenous community members), while generally keeping the IJC’s proposed timeline for Plan of Study development and conducting the Commission’s Review of its Orders. [...] The Temporary Supplementary Order will provide the Water Levels Committee and the Watershed Board with additional time to assess the performance of the single rule curve and to secure public input on the single rule curve for consideration by the Commission. [...] PROTECTION OF THE WATERS OF THE GREAT LAKES Staff updated the Commission on work to scope the study for the PWGL ten-year update report. [...] During the discussion with the board at the October Semi-annual the Commission requested that the board report back on the planned upgrades to the dam.


Yon Trimble

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