cover image: Great Lakes Microbial Water Quality Study - A report submitted to


Great Lakes Microbial Water Quality Study - A report submitted to

6 May 2024

• Including HABs in the LBMWQ study is designed to protect the health of the members of the public whose drinking water source is the Great Lakes, as well as recreational users of the lakes. [...] xii After reviewing the findings and recommendations from the Synthesis workshop, the IJC project leads have developed a set of next steps for the LBMWQ study over the next 3-4 years, as follows: • In 2023-2024, develop the round-robin exercise with the established laboratory network identified in the workshops and determine whether the pilot project will be executed as part of the 2024 CSMI, deve. [...] The original study took place decades before the establishment of ECCC, USEPA, and signing of the GLWQA (1972) and passage of the US Clean Water Act (1972) and the Canada Water Act (1970). [...] In 1913, the IJC conducted a detailed microbial water quality study of the fecal-related pollution of the boundary waters of the Great Lakes, and the potential link between disease and sewage pollution (IJC 1918). [...] 7 1.5 Role of IJC and its boards Noted at the outset of the project by the IJC, the HPAB advises and supports IJC, as well as facilitating the planning of the study and socializing the plan with U.


Allison Voglesong Zejnati

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