cover image: KENNAN CABLE - Ukraine’s Plans for Demographic Recovery


KENNAN CABLE - Ukraine’s Plans for Demographic Recovery

15 Feb 2024

The quality of life of older The northeastern territories will remain the area of Ukrainians will depend on general factors like the most “insecure habitation” due to its proximity the social and economic outcomes of the war to Russia. [...] She was advisor to the president of impede the ability of public and private enterprises Ukraine (2000–2005) and to the prime minister of to resume their operations and efficiently employ Ukraine (2007–2010). [...] Ella Libanova is director of the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a professorial lecturer at the National Academy for Public Administration and Local Government under the president of Ukraine KENNAN CABLE NO. [...] This document uses the estimate of the population during the war was made by researchers from the Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [...] They used the following sources: the State Sta- tistics Service (on population before the full-scale war); mobile operators (the number and location of their clients); the Ministry of Justice (registered deaths and births); the Ministry of Health (the number of newborns and children registered with the medical authorities); the Ministry of Social Policy (the number and location of IDPs); the Inter.
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