cover image: KENNAN CABLE - Empire and Survival in Ukraine


KENNAN CABLE - Empire and Survival in Ukraine

26 Apr 2024

These losses have been made more seemed a possibility, especially in the wake of the palatable to the elite, certainly, by the systematic Avdiivka withdrawal, neither is it necessarily an and deliberate exploitation of ethnic minority, obvious outcome—despite Russia’s increasingly indigenous, and marginalized populations in the totalitarian war footing and the fatalist lurch in imperial periphery.. [...] For one, most political or material exhaustion will be sufficient conceptions of Ukrainian victory tend to be tied to compel the abandonment of the war are to the full restoration of Ukrainian internationally implausible in the near-term, except perhaps in the recognized territory. [...] of those guarantees and the harm it has done to nuclear nonproliferation as a principle or concept, In the immediate term, the demands of the moment in no country is this betrayal more evident and are plain enough. [...] The dread that might accompany in its war for survival, triggers a wave of nuclear any hint of a ceasefire proposal will come not from proliferation in Europe as the nominally protective the ceasefire itself, but because of fear of a return fabric of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture lies to a status quo ante that assumes, in the absence KENNAN CABLE 91 | 5 . [...] In the longer term, Russia must be dealt with Opinions expressed in Wilson Center publications and events plainly, based on its pattern of action, and not its are those of the authors and speakers and do not represent the deliberate misrepresentation and weaponization of views of the Wilson Center.
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