cover image: KENNAN CABLE - Ten Years of Successful US Support in Ukraine is at Risk


KENNAN CABLE - Ten Years of Successful US Support in Ukraine is at Risk

5 Apr 2024

As it stands now, it will likely take more by Russia’s most elite forces in the opening weeks than a decade for the Russian military to recover its of the war for one key reason: the capabilities of the elite special operations capabilities. [...] The improved supply of Although the primary beneficiary of this sustained weapons to the AFU was important, but it pales policy was Ukraine, the US military and intelligence in comparison with the impact of eight years of services also directly benefitted from this policy. [...] Longer term, counter Russian combat tactics.5 Every branch of the Obama administration authorized a new policy the US military, from the Army to Space Force, approach that provided training and equipment to has benefitted from observing the efforts of the the AFU. [...] It will the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s capability, readiness, make countering Russian aggression in Ukraine and and lethality,” according to a commander of the further abroad easier for the AFU and its allies. [...] imperative for the United States to commit the additional $60 billion to help Ukraine functionally If the policy of training and equipping the AFU is destroy the Russian Army and eject the Black restored and maintained, Russia will lose the war Sea Fleet from the Black Sea.
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